What is Marriage?
Marriage is a relationship of total commitment in which the partners care for and love each other in good times and in bad. In the Church we believe that marriage is the gift of God for the support and growth of both partners, as they give and receive love in their own relationship and in the world.
The Marriage Service is a public commitment witnessed by family, friends and members of the Church, in which couples take vows and commit themselves to a life long relationship before God. The service includes the signing of the marriage register whereby a marriage licence is issued. The service concludes with a prayer of blessing for the couple in their life together.
Who may be married at St Martin's
All who live within the parish boundaries or are on the electoral roll of St Martin's are welcomed to apply for marriage here. Others who can identify a strong connection with the parish may also come to St Martin's for marriage. Those who are not British citizens may have to go through a special process to be married; details of this can be given by the Vicar. For more information, please contact the Vicar for an appointment.