
Welcome to St Martin's Church

St Martin's of Byker, Church of England. A friendly church serving the community of Byker through worship, prayer and community outreach. All welcome to worship with us!

All donations to the church greatly received. Please Gift Aid if possible.

Service Times

Sunday Worship: 9.30 am

Communion service with Sunday school

Live Worship Stream

Sunday 28th July 2024
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Latest Church News

Friday 5th July 2024

Midweek Prayers - Wednesday 4.00pm

It was also noted at the PCC meeting held that Rev’d Tim is to hold regular midweek prayers. They will be held on a Wednesday at 4.00pm - 4.30pm. All are welcome as usual and Tim would be delighted to see as many as possible come along.

Friday 5th July 2024

New Alpha Courses

Rev’d Tim is considering an Alpha course this Autum. It would last for about 10 weeks. If anyone is interested, please let him know.

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Forthcoming Events & Services

Sunday 11th August 2024 11:00AM

Church Social - BBQ

It’s fun and games time! We will be holding our summer BBQ after church on Sunday 11th August. All are welcome to attend and enjoy a 'burger & sausage' in the garden. Hopefully the weather will allow us to enjoy some garden games and other activities. We’re asking for £3 per adult and £1 for child to contribute toward the food and drink. Please see Cath.

Sunday 6th October 2024 11:00AM

Church Social - Soup & Bun

Our next Sunday social event will take place on the 6th October following the Eucharist service. We will enjoy some soup and a bun (stottie) whilst enjoying some entertainment as usual.

We’re asking for £3 per adult and £1 for child to contribute toward the food and drink. Please see Cath.

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The Vicar Writes

Friday 12th July 2024

Fresh Starts

Revd: Tim Ferguson

The mood of the country is hard to sum up, with a new government voted in with one of the lowest turnouts in recent times.

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Readings for Next Sunday

Proper 12

2 Samuel 11:1-15
Psalm 14
Ephesians 3:14-21
John 6:1-21
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