What is a Baptism?
Baptism is a worship service in which we receive people (either children or adults) into the family of God and his church. When we are baptised we make a commitment to follow Jesus Christ. We make a conscious decision to follow a life of faith which will include:
- Growing in our ability to live in harmony and love with others just as Christ loves us.
- Forgiving when others hurt us.
- Having a responsibility to resist evil in our own lives.
- Committing ourselves to confess our faults and resolve to make amends with those we have wronged.
- Joining with other Christians regularly in worship.
If we bring children for Baptism, we promise to teach them that they are loved by God and are part of God's family. We do this by introducing them to their local Church family, and by offering a wholesome environment at home which includes prayer (perhaps at meals or bedtime) and Christian service.
Who may be baptised at St Martin's
All who live within the parish boundaries are invited to come for Baptism. Others may apply for Baptism here if they have strong family connections in the area, and with the consent of their own parish priest.
How do we arrange a Baptism?
Simply come to Church on a Sunday morning and arrange to meet with the Vicar or Lay Reader to discuss a suitable Baptism date and to fill out the application. In preparation for this, parents should have thought about who they would like as godparents. Three is the traditional number, but there is no strict policy on this; at least one is necessary. Godparents ideally are those who have been baptised themselves and will be a good example to the child, and likely be in contact with them as they are growing up.