The Vicar Writes

Wednesday 17th June 2020

Vicar's retirement

Retiring Vicar
The Revd Canon Stephen Herbert

It is never easy to say goodbye, and especially difficult in practical and emotional ways under the present circumstances. I am grateful for my health, a place to move to, caring relations and friends. The disruption of a retirement and move at this particular time is a challenge but not overwhelming, considering the trials others are facing at the moment.

The more difficult bit is the sorrow of saying goodbye remotely to all of you with whom I have shared a journey of ministry and friendship over the past 11 years here. Perhaps we can have a time to celebrate some time in the future, but this particular goodbye is real and must take place in practical ways by the end of June.

You need to know what a joy these years here have been. It really is a blessing to end my stipendiary ministry with a congregation, curates and readers dedicated to the present and future ministry of the church in this place. You have been so resolute in looking to the future. I could not imagine more supportive and forward-looking ministry than what I have been privileged to share with you here. The real joy for me is knowing that there is good and renewed ministry ahead for you. All the best in your ministry and mission here in the future!

My prayers and concern for you will continue, I assure you. The necessary lack of my presence and communication will not mean I have stopped caring, it is just that my focus in life will be in a new place. Please pray for me as I pray for you in the present times of transition and the good ministry to which we are all called in the future.