NewsNews: -- Create News --15-01-2025 - Church Social Committee06-12-2024 - Christmas Concert Video31-10-2024 - Christmas Gift Crafts09-10-2024 - Return to 9.30am Service09-10-2024 - Soup & Bun Social06-10-2024 - Streaming02-10-2024 - Sidespeople and Readers Needed02-10-2024 - New Alpha Course21-09-2024 - New Trial Service Time21-09-2024 - We are now on Facebook!05-09-2024 - RNIB Transcription Service Donation30-08-2024 - Shepherds Dene Booked09-08-2024 - 4.00pm Midweek Prayers Suspended For 3 Weeks31-07-2024 - Shepherds Dene05-07-2024 - New Alpha Courses05-07-2024 - Midweek Prayers - Wednesday 4.00pm10-06-2024 - Summer Variety Show16-05-2024 - Return - Andrew Mears New Book Launch29-04-2024 - Summer Concert - Tickets Available Now!29-04-2024 - Tim Ferguson's Installation28-04-2024 - Beetle Drive - Church Social07-04-2024 - Trevor & Joyce Lennox30-03-2024 - Dan & Craig's Wedding18-02-2024 - Curling17-02-2024 - Lent Group14-01-2024 - New Vicar - Revd Tim Ferguson19-12-2023 - A Night Of 16 Carols15-12-2023 - Christmas Concert01-12-2023 - Christmas Concert - Sold Out15-10-2023 - Christmas Concert Tickets13-10-2023 - Live Streaming25-09-2023 - Sunday Social - Soup & Bun04-09-2023 - Harvest Festival31-08-2023 - Sunday Social - BBQ & Games16-08-2023 - No Live Stream 20th August08-08-2023 - News on the vicar front28-07-2023 - Summer Concert Video11-07-2023 - MINE Together Service19-06-2023 - Live Streaming12-06-2023 - Summer Concert - Success!11-06-2023 - Live Streaming25-05-2023 - Summer Concert - Sold Out!22-05-2023 - St Martin's AGM17-04-2023 - MINE Together Service09-04-2023 - Happy Easter23-03-2023 - St Martin's Church - WhatsApp Group23-03-2023 - Summer Concert - Volunteers Required03-03-2023 - Laptop Required28-02-2023 - Lent Sessions at St Martin's Church16-01-2023 - Live Streaming Schedule09-01-2023 - No Service at St Martin's Church - 29th January01-01-2023 - Happy New Year25-12-2022 - Merry Christmas11-12-2022 - No Live Streaming Today02-12-2022 - New Year's Day - No Service20-10-2022 - Bishop Helen-Ann to be the thirteenth Bishop of Newcastle18-09-2022 - Card Payments18-09-2022 - Church Notices Leaflet14-06-2022 - Foodbank Collection27-04-2022 - Deanery Ascension Day Service25-03-2022 - Easter21-02-2022 - Communion08-02-2022 - Pre Lent Worship25-01-2022 - MINE Together Service15-01-2022 - Church Open09-01-2022 - Church Closed Today01-01-2022 - Happy New Year!31-12-2021 - 5th Sunday - MINE Together Service06-12-2021 - Christmas Day11-11-2021 - Christmas Carol Service10-11-2021 - Boxing Day - No Service02-10-2021 - MINE Together Service29-08-2021 - MINE Together Service29-08-2021 - Harvest Festival Service25-05-2021 - Return to singing!10-05-2021 - John Sadler leading worship for Easter 702-05-2021 - Revd Dr Rae Caro - Final Service24-03-2021 - St Martin's Reopening28-02-2021 - No services - March31-01-2021 - No services - February06-01-2021 - No services - January02-01-2021 - First service of 2021!18-12-2020 - No Service Sunday 27th December29-11-2020 - Church Worship Resumes Sunday 6th Dec10-11-2020 - 50th Anniversary of the Tea Club08-11-2020 - New Ordinands from Cramner Hall05-11-2020 - Private Prayer03-11-2020 - Church Closes during Lockdown 225-09-2020 - The Choir Returns07-09-2020 - Wednesday Morning Worship02-09-2020 - Communion Service06-08-2020 - New Prayer & Study Videos - Lectio Divina17-07-2020 - Opening Churches for Worship08-07-2020 - Church Reopening20-06-2020 - Opening Churches for Private Prayer04-04-2020 - Giving03-04-2020 - Contact Details25-03-2020 - COVID-19 -- Church Closed until further notice19-03-2020 - COVID-19 -- No Sunday worship until further notice13-03-2020 - Vicar's Retirement08-03-2020 - Further Guidance on Coronavirus28-02-2020 - In Light of Coronavirus and other Winter illness28-02-2020 - MINE Lent gathering at St Silas24-02-2020 - Ash Wednesday and Lent24-02-2020 - Lego Collection for MINE Youth16-02-2020 - Ash Wednesday and Lent16-02-2020 - Coronavirus and Winter illnesses26-01-2020 - Phil Medley licensed at Walker today22-01-2020 - Week of Prayer for Christian Unity12-01-2020 - Food Bank05-12-2019 - Raffle for the benefit of St Martin's Church01-12-2019 - Food Bank Collection14-11-2019 - St Martin’s Christmas Fair for Church and Centre10-11-2019 - St Martin's Day as well!08-11-2019 - Phil's Farewell to St Michael's23-10-2019 - A Very Early Pre-Christmas Party!23-10-2019 - All Souls Sunday 3rd Nov 4pm13-10-2019 - Announcement from Bishop Christine06-10-2019 - Harvest Next Sunday!27-07-2019 - Food Bank Collection18-07-2019 - Authorised Ministries04-07-2019 - Food Bank04-07-2019 - Walker Parish to join MINE04-07-2019 - Confirmation18-05-2019 - Bishop's Pilgrimage25-04-2019 - Goodbye to Jane24-04-2019 - Foodbank Collection20-04-2019 - Sidespeople09-04-2019 - Palm Sunday and Holy Week24-02-2019 - Lent Programme: Stories of Faith24-02-2019 - Re-opening of St Michael’s Church17-02-2019 - Ash Wednesday and Palm Crosses16-02-2019 - Electoral Roll09-02-2019 - Coffee Morning Sat 2nd March27-01-2019 - Baptism Today26-01-2019 - Debt Advice05-01-2019 - MINE Priorities for the Year04-01-2019 - New Archdeacon20-12-2018 - Votive Lights09-12-2018 - St Martin's Raffle09-12-2018 - Christmas Card to Take Away29-11-2018 - Twinkle Tots Christmas this Saturday29-11-2018 - Raffles, and Celebrations!18-11-2018 - No Service Here Sunday 25th November05-10-2018 - Twinkle Tots05-10-2018 - Confirmation Service23-09-2018 - Confirmation23-09-2018 - Harvest Celebration16-09-2018 - Leaving Service for Archdeacon of Northumberland06-08-2018 - Pathways Mission20-07-2018 - Shepherd’s Dene Weekend05-07-2018 - Welcome to Benjamin Jarvis04-07-2018 - MINE Service 29 th July at St Michael's15-04-2018 - Looking Ahead01-04-2018 - Happy Easter!17-03-2018 - Palm Sunday and Holy Week11-03-2018 - Happy and Blessed Mothering Sunday15-02-2018 - Lent Prayer at MINE Churches03-02-2018 - Palm Crosses and Ash Wednesday19-01-2018 - Faith Sharing Weekend and Affordable Wedding Fair01-01-2018 - Thanks18-12-2017 - Christmas Eve & Christmas Day Services17-12-2017 - Christmas Raffle18-11-2017 - Reading Programme06-11-2017 - Farewell to Franciscans04-11-2017 - Launch for Tyne and Wear Citizens UK22-10-2017 - Alastair MacNaughton24-09-2017 - Harvest Thanksgiving Next Sunday10-09-2017 - Bishop Mark in Great North Run for MINE05-09-2017 - Uniform Drop Box20-08-2017 - Money Advice Centre for MINE Churches05-08-2017 - Pastoral List15-07-2017 - Brownies14-07-2017 - MINE 5th Sunday Service 30th July03-07-2017 - Our Role in Training Deacons and Priests02-07-2017 - Shepherd's Dene next week24-06-2017 - Welcome to our New Curate24-06-2017 - Parish Weekend24-06-2017 - New Vicar for St Silas and MINE12-06-2017 - Ordination and Welcome27-05-2017 - No Morning Service Here Next Sunday, Leaving Service for Chantal in the Afternoon:13-05-2017 - Community Bible Experience24-04-2017 - Two New Curates in MINE23-04-2017 - NO SERVICE HERE NEXT SUNDAY23-04-2017 - Chantal to move to Sunderland!22-04-2017 - Summer Fundraiser16-04-2017 - Easter Celebrations!15-04-2017 - Parish Weekend15-04-2017 - Next Two Sundays18-03-2017 - Prayer Guidance offered12-03-2017 - Neighbourhood Spring Clean04-03-2017 - Wednesday Lent Programme04-03-2017 - Area Dean Installed Thursday27-02-2017 - Christians Against Poverty Worship Today27-02-2017 - Learning in Lent05-02-2017 - Mothering Sunday Lunch05-02-2017 - Lent begins 1st March31-12-2016 - Enneagram Workshop01-12-2016 - Advent Christmas Fun and Fundraising15-10-2016 - Shoe Box Appeal02-10-2016 - Harvest Thanksgiving Today02-10-2016 - Trevor Licensed as Reader Yesterday26-07-2016 - One-to-One Reading in School11-07-2016 - Contributions for St Anthony's Fete10-07-2016 - Ten Year Celebrations for St Martin's Centre05-06-2016 - Welcome and Goodbye to Nicola15-05-2016 - New Kitchen/Lounge/Cafe15-05-2016 - MINE Service at St Martin's17-04-2016 - Restored Cross17-04-2016 - Community Money Advice17-04-2016 - Wedding Yesterday26-03-2016 - Travel with the MINE Choir26-03-2016 - Happy Easter!13-02-2016 - Lent at St Martin's13-02-2016 - Parish Weekend 6-8 May07-02-2016 - Sunday Evenings in Lent01-02-2016 - MINE Confirmation Next Sunday01-02-2016 - Byker VOSCARS23-01-2016 - Brother Damian RIP18-01-2016 - Confirmation Help18-01-2016 - Dorothy Robinson05-01-2016 - CD's Sold Out!24-12-2015 - Christmas Peace04-12-2015 - MINE Choir CD 'Songs From The Centre'22-11-2015 - Showing of 'It's a Wonderful Life'25-10-2015 - Consecration and Installation of New Bishop13-10-2015 - MINE Away Day04-10-2015 - Harvest Today01-10-2015 - Refugees14-09-2015 - Singalong Sound of Music13-09-2015 - Refugees05-09-2015 - Margaret Temple10-08-2015 - Money from Bike Ride?09-08-2015 - Visit to Br Damian02-08-2015 - A Ministry Course in September01-08-2015 - Holiday Club this week04-07-2015 - No 9.30am Service at St Martin's 12th July28-06-2015 - Amanda Jones on Placement01-06-2015 - Byker in Bloom19-05-2015 - Sunday School19-05-2015 - Sound of Music19-05-2015 - Sacristan05-04-2015 - Kevin's Confirmation05-04-2015 - Blessed and Joyful Easter Day!03-04-2015 - Two ongoing schools programmes08-03-2015 - Congratulations!10-02-2015 - Palm Crosses to Ashes27-12-2014 - Thanks!21-12-2014 - Parish Weekend Advance Notice23-11-2014 - Thank You08-11-2014 - Leading Your Church Into Growth08-11-2014 - Reading Programme at Welbeck04-10-2014 - Leading Your Church Into Growth04-10-2014 - All Souls Remembrance of the Departed29-09-2014 - Harvest Next Week29-09-2014 - Reading Programme at Welbeck28-09-2014 - Christian Aid Walk Collections14-09-2014 - Christian Aid Walk24-08-2014 - Christian Aid Walk - Tynemouth10-08-2014 - Baptism Today10-08-2014 - Faith and Life Experience09-08-2014 - Harvest Festival02-08-2014 - Christian Aid Walk?06-07-2014 - Thanks!06-07-2014 - Summer Breakfast Club: Volunteers Needed09-06-2014 - Ordination for Chantal11-05-2014 - Faith and Works Group11-05-2014 - Bishop Martin Retires04-05-2014 - MINE Away Day04-05-2014 - Confirmation on 27th July04-05-2014 - MINE Choir Concert07-04-2014 - Holy Week Services06-04-2014 - Byker Passion18-03-2014 - Lent Course: The Beatitudes18-03-2014 - Prayer for Churches in our Area18-03-2014 - Youth and Children's Work18-03-2014 - Faith and Works24-02-2014 - Super Sunday School, Next Sunday24-02-2014 - Ash Wednesday and Palm Crosses23-02-2014 - Nominees for Leading Your Church Into Growth10-02-2014 - Local churches to explore Food Bank or Food Cooperative03-02-2014 - Lent begins soon!08-12-2013 - Christmas Fayre18-11-2013 - Sunday School Launch: 1st December04-11-2013 - Advance Notice of Parish Weekend27-10-2013 - MINE Away Day27-10-2013 - Christmas Fayre Thurs 5th Dec 4-6pm25-09-2013 - John Sadler's Final Service25-09-2013 - Christian Aid Money12-09-2013 - Morning Eucharist to be held at St Michael's on Sunday 29th September01-09-2013 - Welcome to Damien, Thomas and Nathan!31-08-2013 - New Entrance, Old Bench20-08-2013 - Christian Aid Walk Next Sunday: Bolam Lake!19-08-2013 - Congratulations to Trevor and Matthew, new candidates for Reader Ministry18-08-2013 - Licensing of the Revd Tim Foreman to Christ Church Walker17-08-2013 - Appointment to St Michael's Byker11-08-2013 - Christian Aid Walk01-08-2013 - Open House at St Anthony's Friary15-07-2013 - Sr Josepha retires from St Vincents15-07-2013 - Lindisfarne Gospels Visit14-07-2013 - Greenbelt?26-05-2013 - New Curate25-05-2013 - Annual Christian Aid Walk28-04-2013 - Walker Park Festival06-04-2013 - Brother Damien has arrived07-03-2013 - Healing Service12-02-2013 - Mothering Sunday Prep11-02-2013 - Lent begins this Wednesday!03-02-2013 - Lent begins soon!02-02-2013 - Shepherd's Dene01-02-2013 - Retreat at Franciscan Friary, Alnmouth27-01-2013 - Electoral Roll30-12-2012 - Weekend Opportunities23-12-2012 - The Franciscans are Coming!22-12-2012 - Shepherd's Dene Weekend27-11-2012 - December Diary26-11-2012 - Christmas Fair this Saturday!!!26-11-2012 - Advent Reflection at St Anthony's20-09-2012 - Service Time Change11-09-2012 - Change in Service Times11-09-2012 - Planning for St Michael's 150th Anniversary25-08-2012 - Christian Aid Walk Thank you!25-08-2012 - Greenbelt Festival This Weekend19-08-2012 - What do you think of the notice sheets?19-08-2012 - Greenbelt Festival Next Weekend19-08-2012 - Christian Aid Walk Today!05-08-2012 - Singing Group: Thanks!05-08-2012 - 150th Anniversary Celebrations for St Michael's05-08-2012 - Wishing Catherine Well!07-07-2012 - Welcome to Catherine05-07-2012 - Christian Aid Walk 19th Aug04-07-2012 - Advance Notice of Shepherd's Dene Weekend03-07-2012 - Youth Event 8th July10-06-2012 - Volunteers needed for Reading Programme at Walker Tech10-06-2012 - Eucharist at St Anthony's, Wed 13th June10-06-2012 - Youth Event24-04-2012 - Christian Aid Walk22-04-2012 - Jubilee Street Party08-04-2012 - Community Notice06-04-2012 - Walker Park Festival02-04-2012 - Holy Week Services04-03-2012 - Mothering Sunday04-03-2012 - Anne's Last Sermon at St Martin's20-02-2012 - Lent Wednesdays12-02-2012 - Baptisms Today, and Guest Preacher and Celebrant09-02-2012 - Confirmation05-02-2012 - A Celebration of Hymns and Songs04-02-2012 - Greenbelt 201213-12-2011 - People's Kitchen Collection28-11-2011 - Shepherd's Dene Weekend 27th-29th January07-11-2011 - St Martin's Christmas Fair30-10-2011 - Advent Study on Forgiveness29-10-2011 - Prayer Service for the Departed All Souls Day, 2nd Nov 8pm28-10-2011 - Opportunity to Read or Lead Prayers28-10-2011 - Parish Share26-10-2011 - Quiz Wednesday22-09-2011 - Thanks for Christian Aid Contributions21-09-2011 - St Michael and All Angels, Thursday 29th Sept05-09-2011 - Appointment to St Silas27-08-2011 - The Byker Garden: A new space surrounding St Michael's26-08-2011 - A Week of Synods22-08-2011 - Thanks to the Walkers07-08-2011 - Four Baptisms today!17-07-2011 - School Pastors coming to Walker Technology College05-07-2011 - Christian Aid Walk03-07-2011 - Weekend away at Shepherd's Dene?20-06-2011 - Weekend away at Shepherd's Dene?19-06-2011 - Another list to sign! 5th Anniversary09-05-2011 - Confirmation Next Sunday 3.30pm09-05-2011 - PCC News! - Evening Eucharist09-05-2011 - PCC News! - Christian Aid Walk08-05-2011 - Meeting with Nick Brown MP03-05-2011 - Preparing for a deeper life in Christ01-05-2011 - Licensing for Revd Rachel Wood17-04-2011 - Holy Week Readers Wanted!17-04-2011 - Help prepare the Church; Easter Garden10-04-2011 - Guest Celebrant, Guest Musician01-04-2011 - Lent Programme Continues01-04-2011 - Confirmation Classes begin29-03-2011 - 400th Anniversary of King James Bible28-03-2011 - Next Sunday Mothering Sunday!14-03-2011 - A Programme for Lent - Wedensday Evenings31-01-2011 - 400th Anniversary of King James Version of the Bible30-01-2011 - Adult Baptisms, Easter Eve29-01-2011 - Future Pilgrimage or Day Trip30-11-2010 - Christmas Services at St Martin's09-11-2010 - Christmas Fayre Preparations09-11-2010 - Collecting Tokens24-10-2010 - Open Mic Night23-10-2010 - Collecting Tokens23-10-2010 - All Souls Service of Remembrance23-10-2010 - St Martin's Day04-10-2010 - Help Requested to Feed Volunteers04-10-2010 - Open Mic Night04-10-2010 - Away Day at Minsteracres03-10-2010 - Welcome to Family and Friends of Former Priest of St Martin's!27-09-2010 - Open Mic Night27-09-2010 - Away Day at Minsteracres26-09-2010 - Harvest and Baptism of Savanna Today16-09-2010 - PCC to Discuss Ordination Resolutions05-09-2010 - Invites for Inaugural Service04-09-2010 - New Font Has Arrived22-08-2010 - Pakistan Flood Appeal22-08-2010 - Open Mic Night22-08-2010 - Next Sunday02-08-2010 - Greetings from a long time ago01-08-2010 - Carole Graham at Ventures12-06-2010 - Singing Practise05-06-2010 - Greenbelt Plans02-06-2010 - Guest Speaker Next Sunday29-05-2010 - Church Fayre Poster26-05-2010 - New Order of Service26-05-2010 - Summer Fair 19th June10-05-2010 - New Assistant Bishop03-05-2010 - Summer Fair02-05-2010 - St Martin's AGM: Officers for this Year05-04-2010 - Parish Electoral Roll04-04-2010 - Blessed and Joyous Easter!29-03-2010 - Mon - Wed in Holy Week22-03-2010 - Revd Kevin Hunt to be Canon13-03-2010 - Wednesday Lent Programme07-03-2010 - Mothering Sunday Invites07-03-2010 - Wednesdays in Lent07-03-2010 - Confirmation Trip to Cathedral01-03-2010 - Confirmation Classes22-02-2010 - Weddings at St Martin's13-02-2010 - Thanks for response to Haitian Appeal31-01-2010 - Shrove Tuesday Singalong & Meal31-01-2010 - St Martin's to be part of MINE (Mission Initiative Newcastle East)!31-01-2010 - Confirmation Candidates Sought31-01-2010 - Palm Crosses and Ash Wednesday30-01-2010 - Shrove Tuesday Meal & Music Poster24-01-2010 - Archbishop of York to Visit St Martin's17-01-2010 - New Baptismal Font for St Martin'sDate:Name:Text: